Raport 70/2021
2021.12.16 14:50
Conclusion of a conditional agreement for implementation of a shopping and service centre in Zaporizhzhia in Ukraine
Raport 68/2021
2021.12.15 17:13
Acquisition by a subsidiary company of fixed property located in the Mokotów district in Warsaw
Raport 65/2021
2021.12.01 11:30
Conclusion of an agreement for implementation of a housing investment called “Złota Praga” on Drwęcka St. in Warsaw
Raport 63/2021
2021.11.24 14:41
Information on the issue of series H bonds of Unibep SA
Raport 62/2021
2021.11.24 14:14
Conclusion by a subsidiary of real estate purchase Agreements in Białołęka district in Warsaw
Raport 61/2021
2021.11.22 19:19
Information on conditional allocation of H series bonds of Unibep SA
Raport 53/2021
2021.10.21 14:13