The high quality management of Unibep SA, based on international standards and good management practices, is an important showcase of the company, which was confirmed by numerous management system awards and certificates.
The position of Unibep SA is growing steadily in industry and nationwide ratings, our company receives numerous prizes and distinctions awarded to the company and references obtained directly from our customers. In order to continuously improve the internal organisation and strengthen its market position, Unibep SA manages the quality of the investment construction process in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001, making customer' requirements and legal requirements w the main centre of attention to all our managers and operational staff.
In the construction industry, in addition to trust connecting the investor with the contractor, it is extremely important also to ensure safety in work processes, without which it is impossible to achieve Customer satisfaction and build a sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, Unibep SA also manages safety, occupational health and the health of employees and other entities involved in the implementation of investment construction process in accordance with the requirements of the BS OHSAS 18001, which is largely in line with PN-N-18001.
The implementation of the Quality and OHS Management System with the process approach was a strategic decision of the management of Unibep SA in order to improve management efficiency and enhance Customer satisfaction by meeting their requirements in a continuous and planned manner.
Ecology is one of the priorities
At Unibep SA the environmental statement was introduced to communicate to employees, subcontractors, investors, institutions and other entities the environmental objectives and principles, the awareness of environmental responsibility accompanying the activity of our company.
This is a statement saying that Unibep SA not only meets the legal requirements in this area, but plans, takes actions and is committed to minimising the impact on the environment during the implementation of construction investments, conducted production processes in the factory, asphalt mixing plants and other activity areas. It is kind of improving the competence of the company and motivation for further environmental activities.
This statement also says that the area of environmental actions is important for the whole company, as we act according to the principles of socially responsible business.