08 May 2023

First shovels in the ground - the construction of Raginis Street begins in Białystok

Dariusz Blocher nowym prezesem zarządu Unibep

On 8 May on Raginis Street in Białystok first shovels dug the ground. The works involve an over one-kilometre-long section of the Provincial Road No. 676 from the intersection with Baśniowa Street and Rycerska Street to the city border. As part of the reconstruction of Raginis Street, there will be built a two-lane road with a bicycle path, sidewalks for pedestrians, and reconstructed infrastructure. The value of the agreement is approx. PLN 37.7 million gross, i.e., approx. PLN 30.6 million net.

This is another section of the Provincial Road No. 676 which is being constructed by the Infrastructure Branch of Unibep SA. So far, our #unique-crew has constructed the Białystok — Supraśl section and the Porosły junction, which are part of the Provincial Road No. 676.

“The final stretch of the Provincial Road No. 676”, as the construction was named by Adam Poliński, Infrastructure Director, will begin with demolishing works and necessary tree felling. In the second half of May, we are planning to begin construction works in the field of underground networks. The renovation of this thoroughfare is expected to last for 15 months.

The ceremonial groundbreaking was attended by the Marshal of Podlaskie Voivodship Artur Kosicki, the President of Białystok Tadeusz Truskolaski, a member of the parliament Krzysztof Truskolaski, the Chairman of Podlaskie voivodship council Bogusław Dębski, the Deputy of the President of Białystok Przemysław Tuchliński, and the Director of PZDW Mariusz Nahajewski (Podlaski Zarząd Dróg Wojewódzkich, i.e., the Province Roads Authority of Podlaskie Voivodship).

The event was streamed live via the Facebook profile of Podlaskie voivodeship. Streaming recording: https://fb.watch/koEegjm9h7/

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