12 September 2022

Unibep will build a biomass boiler house in Ełk

Wybudujemy kotłownię na biomasę w Ełku

The General Contractor Unibep SA concluded an agreement with Spółdzielnia Mieszkaniowa Świt, a housing cooperative from the city of Ełk. Unibep will build for the investor a boiler house, the operation of which will be based on thermal energy from burning biomass. The net value of the agreement is approx. PLN 27 million. The investment will be implemented in a turn-key formula and it is planned to be completed by the end of 2023.

The task consists in construction of a boiler house building with the its infrastructure, as well as construction, commissioning, and start-up of a modern and efficient biomass-fired boiler, a woodchip boiler, to be more specific.

The investment in construction of a biomass-powered boiler house has been the biggest investment in the history of our housing cooperative. In line with current climate and energy policy in Poland, we are working towards stabilisation and, perhaps, also lowering the cost of thermal energy supplied to our customers. The investment will ensure energy security and independence from prices and availability of coal on the market,” said the president of Świt housing cooperative in Ełk.

The agreement will be implemented by a consortium composed of Unibep SA (consortium leader) and Energotechnika Sp. z o. o. (consortium partner). Construction works will start in the third quarter this year and end in the fourth quarter of 2023.

“Construction of the boiler house for Spółdzielnia Mieszkaniowa Świt housing cooperative in Ełk based on thermal energy from burning biomass is an important and very necessary investment in terms of the current situation on the Polish energy market,” said President of the Management Board of Unibep SA Leszek Gołąbiecki. “We are glad that we have been chosen the General Contractor of this construction, which is interesting in terms of its implementation, also owing to the technologies it employs,” added the President.

The investment in Ełk is yet another energy project implemented as part of the established Power and Industry Construction segment of Unibep SA.

“Let us remind that we are currently working on development of three oil and gas water boilers for Energetyka Cieszyńska with the required infrastructure for fuel oil management, as well as the connection of gas supply to the boilers and the heat outlet from the new source,” said Director of Power and Industry Construction at Unibep SA Przemysław Janiszewski. “It is worth stressing that the scope of services offered by Unibep in the Power and Industry sector also includes the delivery and assembly of technologies and auxiliary installations, as well as service works: commissioning of the installation, maintenance works (cleaning of systems), inspections and repair works of devices, and post-failure repairs. We specialise in implementation of turnkey projects,” added Przemysław Janiszewski.

The agreement with Świt housing cooperative in Ełk was concluded at the end of August at the registered office of that housing cooperative. On the part of Unibep SA, the agreement was signed by President of the Management Board Leszek Gołąbiecki. The agreement value is approx. PLN 27 million net.

As a result of conclusion of this agreement, the estimated value of the backlog of orders in Power and Industry construction segment of Unibep SA for Q3 and Q4 of 2022 and for subsequent years amounts to approx. PLN 710 million net.

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