20 September 2023

The Copernican Revolution Lab awarded the “Construction of the year” by PZITB

Pracownia Przewrotu Kopernikańskiego Budową Roku wg PZITB

The Copernican Revolution Lab, implemented by Unibep, received a second-degree award in the nationwide competition “Construction of the Year”. The appraisal included such aspects like the quality, technology, design, organisation of the construction process, and safety. “These awards are the Oscars of construction,” stated Prof. Maria Kaszyńska, the Chairperson of PZITB.

The award was collected by Piotr Kołodko and Rafał Homan representing Unibep SA and Ewa Kloc, the Administrative Director in the Copernicus Science Centre representing the Investor.

The ceremonial gala, during which 33 awards were presented in nine categories, took place on 19 September 2023 in the hall of the NOT (Chief Technical Organization) Technician’s House in in Warsaw. It was attended by approx. two hundred people. The competition “Construction of the year” has been the most prestigious competition in the construction industry for 33 years, and it is organised by the Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians The appraisal included such aspects like the quality, technology, design, organisation of the construction process, and safety. The Copernican Revolution Lab has been awarded in the category of Public utility building.

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“It is fantastic to receive awards for the completed investments,” said Rafał Homan, Contract Manager of the Copernican Revolution Lab in Warsaw. “But this is an award for the entire team that worked on the investment. Owing to the competencies and dedication of everyone involved, we managed to envisage and construct the second part of the Copernicus Science Centre, one of the most recognisable brands in science and entertainment in Poland. I thank the entire team for the fantastic and efficient collaboration,” said Rafał Homan.

“This distinction is the culmination of the work of many teams that have been involved in this enterprise since the idea of creating the Copernican Revolution Lab arose, all the way through to the delivery of the facility for use. This is a wonderful experience and, at the same time, a tremendous inner satisfaction to contribute to the creation of such an inspiring place as a scientific research centre,” said Piotr Kołodko, Market Director at Unibep SA. “I venture to say that as UNIBEP, we have a tangible role in supporting modern education, the development of Polish youth, and consequently, the future of our country.”

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In the picture (from left): Jarosław Zieliński, Head of the Investment Department at Copernicus Science Centre; Aneta Jurczyk, Senior Specialist in Economic and Financial Settlements at Unibep SA; Rafał Homan, Contract Manager at Unibep SA; Ewa Kloc, Administrative Director in the Copernicus Science Centre; and Piotr Kołodko, Market Director at Unibep SA.
About the investment

Let’s review: The Copernican Revolution Lab has become one of the several components of the popular complex, which currently includes the main building of the Copernicus Science Centre, Planetarium, and Pavilion 512. The Lab is connected with The Copernicus Science Centre with an approx. 25 m. long underground link. The building of the Copernican Revolution Lab can accommodate up to 600 people at a time. It has three above-ground storeys and one underground storey with a total area of approx. 6000 sq. m. It is a place for conducting interdisciplinary research and development work.

Our company completed work on the investment in 2022. The Copernican Revolution Lab building was officially opened on 31 March 2023.

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Yet another accolade for the Copernican Revolution Lab

This is not the first reward received by Unibep for the construction of the Copernican Revolution Lab. During the Infrastructure and Construction Diamonds gala competition, which took place on 21 March 2023 in Warsaw, it received the award in the category Implementation of the Year – Building Construction. The building received recognition for contemporary technological solutions and high-quality workmanship.

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