SOHO 16 with a topping-out wreath

SOHO 16 is the latest addition of residential buildings to the SOHO concept by Yareal being built by Unibep SA along Żupnicza Street in Kamionek residential area of Warsaw. The entire space, designed in accordance with the 15-minute city concept, is intended to serve as a vibrant and bustling local centre. The project is characterised by a richness and diversity of finishing materials, attention to detail, and a high quality which is the hallmark of the developer.
The traditional topping out wreath was hung at SOHO 16 construction site on 31 January 2023. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Investor, Yareal Poland, among them Vice President of the Management Board Jacek Zengteler and the Project Manager Kinga Wiśniewska-Marczuk. The construction inspectors from the MJL company and the design team from HRA Architekci studio were also present. The General Contractor Unibep SA was represented by the Vice President of the Management Board Krzysztof Mikołajczyk, Market Director Dariusz Turowski, and the construction staff.
The next stage of SOHO by Yareal comprises four residential buildings, each designed to a slightly different standard. The B Building has got five staircases and has nine to seven storeys. Next, the C building has got two staircases and nine storeys. Between the B and C buildings, there were constructed two lower (six-storey) D and K single-staircase buildings. These are facilities of higher standard, offering larger apartments.
A total of 296 apartments will be built in four buildings, and the total usable area will make 17 thousand square metres.
“Over many years of activity Unibep has earned a strong position as a contractor leading among companies building for residential developers. Today we can boast of a portfolio of over 36 thousand of constructed residential premises, a significant part of which are premium or enhanced standard premises,” said the Construction Director and Vice-President of the Management Board of Unibep SA Krzysztof Mikołajczyk during the ceremony. “We thank Yareal Polska for the long-term partnership cooperation, understanding, substantive involvement, and support of our construction staff at every stage of project implementation,” added Krzysztof Mikołajczyk.
Details and variety of finishing matter. Ważne są detale i różnorodność wykończenia
Large housing estates which consist of several buildings typically have a uniform style and they are finished with the same material. The SOHO 16 project breaks with this trend, tempting future tenants with a rich variety of facades, external balustrades, windows, balcony partitions, terraces, floor and wall tiles and many other elements that determine not only the visual attractiveness of the building, but also define its quality.
“When looking at the construction plans, we cannot remain indifferent to the finishing works of SOHO 16 comprising a variety of materials used in the buildings,” said Construction Manager at Unibep SA Michał Babkiewicz. “Such a solution is rare among developers. Yareal is famous for its attention to detail and quality, though. We can only be happy that developers choose Unibep as the general contractor of ambitious residential investments,” added Michał Babkiewicz.
Acquiring the subcontractors with credentials that would meet the Investor’s expectations is certainly a challenging process in implementation of projects rich in details.
"A significant part of the SOHO 16 construction process takes finding and acquiring efficient and reliable suppliers on the market to provide us with the quality material on time - not to mention the ability to precisely recreate the Investor's idea," explained Site Manager Michał Babkiewicz. "Next, all materials should be grouped and contracted accordingly. And this is also quite a challenge in planning construction works, especially when the mentioned materials are so diverse," he added.
An investment in the spirit of 15-Minute City
SOHO by Yareal is being built in accordance with the idea of 15-Minute City That idea has been described as a return to the local way of life. It is the composition of urban space that allows people to access places of everyday use, such as shops, service outlets, medical and educational facilities within 15 minutes on foot or by bike from their place of residence, without the need to travel by car or public transport.
The SOHO investment will include several dozen premises for rent, providing access to services, retail, and entertainment, as well as a large space for restaurants, bars, and cafes in a specially adapted catering hall.
All residential buildings constructed as part of SOHO will be located along a 300-meter linear park. That green area will stretch out over a hectare of land, and it will be a home to seventeen thousand plants, including over a hundred trees.
SOHO 18 the construction of 2021!
It is worth mentioning that the adjacent nine-storey residential building from SOHO 18 was awarded the first-degree statuette in the “Construction of the Year 2021” competition. The competition is organised every year by The Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians with the participation of the Ministry of Construction and the Central Office of Building Control. Its aim is to award construction projects which achieved outstanding implementation results.
Unibep SA was the general contractor of SOHO 18 investment as well.