22 March 2023

The Copernican Revolution Lab awarded in the “Investment of the year” category

Pracownia Przewrotu Kopernikańskiego wyróżniona w kategorii "Realizacja Roku"

At this year’s “Infrastructure and Construction Diamonds” gala competition, the Copernican Revolution Lab (Pracownia Przewrotu Kopernikańskiego, shortly PPK) in Warsaw received the award for the “Implementation of the Year – Building Construction”. The PPK facility constructed by Unibep received recognition for contemporary technological solutions and high quality of workmanship.

The “Infrastructure and Construction Diamonds” gala competition took place on 21 March 2023 at the Sheraton Grand Warsaw hotel. “The official award ceremony is the culmination of the annual Polish Infrastructure and Construction Conference." The award on behalf of Unibep was received by President Leszek Gołąbiecki. 

“The Copernican Revolution Lab in Warsaw was implemented through a public procurement tender, which, from the very beginning, namely the concept contest stage, was conducted using BIM methodology. As the General Contractor, we had to adapt to standards and work scheme created earlier, at the design stage, by the Investor and designers. We managed that challenging task excellently. We have gained a great experience, which will certainly pay off in the future,”  – said Leszek Gołąbiecki, president of Unibep SA during the ceremony. “The prize received for the „Implementation of the Year – Building Construction” is an incredibly important achievement for our entire organisation, but above all, for our construction staff, to whom I dedicate this award,” added the president.

The construction of The Copernican Revolution Lab in Warsaw took less than two years. The main objective of the facility which became part of the Copernicus Centre was to create a modern research and development centre conducting scientific research on the development of innovative trends in education.

The premises of the Copernican Revolution Lab will accommodate 600 people at a time. It has three above-ground storeys and one underground storey with a total area of approx. 6,000 sq. m.

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The Contract Manager Rafał Homan and Construction Manager Jarosław Wyszyński

A novelty in Poland is the implementation of an ETFE façade in the building. This façade is the most unusual part of the entire structure and one of the first solutions of that type in Poland.

The building of the Copernican Revolution Lab uses many ecological and energy-saving solutions. It is equipped with, among other things, a photovoltaic farm and an ice water unit that operates the coolers in ventilation units and fan coils in the premises. The facility also has also a rainwater management system.

To summarise, the PPK facility is one of the most innovative buildings constructed in recent years in Poland.

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