The housing investment in Korczaka Street in Katowice – the progress of construction works reached 45%

Mija 15. miesiąc budowy dużej inwestycji mieszkaniowej, na działce o powierzchni ponad 6 hektarów, w Katowicach przy ul. Korczaka. Generalny Wykonawca Unibep SA realizuje tam 26 kameralnych budynków, a w nich 523 mieszkania. Zakończenie prac budowlanych planowane jest na czwarty kwartał 2024 roku. Inwestycja powstaje na zamówienie PFR Nieruchomości we współpracy z TBS Katowice, w ramach programu Mieszkanie Plus.
The implementation of the three-stage investment consists in the construction of a complex of multi-family residential buildings with accompanying services, underground garages, and all the necessary technical infrastructure. According to the agreement, a total of 26 residential buildings will be constructed with a height ranging from 4 to 5 storeys. These budlings will include a total of 523 residential premises, 7 service premises, and 119 spaces in the underground garages.
In the first stage, the company Unibep is tasked with constructing 6 buildings. In the second stage, it will construct 14 buildings, and in the final stage, 6 buildings. Currently, the construction team is working on the first and second stages, consisting of 20 residential buildings. They are scheduled to be completed and ready for use in the second and third quarters of 2024. The final stage is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2024.
- The investment has been designed on former mining areas. Prior to commencing the third stage, we need to prepare the soil by conducting geophysical tests and injecting the appropriate dust and cement mixture into the ground. This process will fill the underground hollows and fractures of the rock mass, ensuring that the ground has the necessary stability. We are now successfully completing this task, said Piotr Lech, Contract Manager of Unibep SA.
In order to efficiently conduct the construction works, the construction site has been additionally divided into quarters from A to G. The most advanced works are in the quarters A, B, and H. The team of Unibep has already completed the structural phase of buildings there. There are still two floors to be completed in quarter C. The underground garages have been already constructed In quarters D and I and, according to schedule, the subsequent above-ground storeys are being constructed. The construction progress of the entire project is approximately 45%.
- The scale of the project, which involves the construction of 26 buildings, with each new one started every several weeks, poses certainly a huge logistics challenge,” said the Contract Manager at Unibep SA. “The investment has been divided into stages, which means that as we construct subsequent buildings, we have to repeat tasks that have already been finished in previous stages. The team has to plan the subsequent tasks very meticulously and precisely. It also involves the coordination of simultaneous work of its subcontractors, suppliers, operators of the nine tower cranes, several concrete pumps, and many other auxiliary equipment. At the moment, we are doing great, the work is going according to the construction schedule,he added.
The archipelago of mystery islands — an unusual playground
In the northern part of the housing investment located in Korczaka Street in Katowice, will be created a playground with an area of 390 sq. m. It is being implemented as part of the first stage of the investment.
The leitmotif of the playground is the archipelago of islands, which consists of a treasure island, an island of secrets, a glade of wild animals, and a dry forest. This project won the first prize in the competition “Inte-GRA” organized by PFR Nieruchomości, the foundation Fundacja Integracja, and with the support of PFR Foundation. The jury appreciated this work primarily for the diversity which stimulates imagination, the use of natural materials, and its accessibility for people of different ages and varying degrees of physical and emotional abilities.
The playground was designed by a team consisting of the architectural tandem of Milena Trzcińska and Łukasz Stępnik, along with Łukasz Kowalski as the landscape architect.
Photo by PFR Nieruchomości. The design of the playground in Korczaka Street in Katowice
Unibep is strengthening its position in Silesia
The residential estate in Korczaka Street in Katowice is a subsequent building construction investment, implemented by Unibep in Silesia. The General Contractor can also take pride in the construction of “Zawodzie” transfer centre and the shopping centre in Cieszyn, Galeria Stela. Moreover, Unibep constructed the warehouse building with a social and office section on behalf of Prymat sp. z o.o. in Jastrzębie-Zdrój.
Currently, the General Contractor is carrying out two power industry investments The first investment involves the adaptation of the heat source in Energetyka Cieszyńska sp. z o.o. to comply with the current environmental protection regulations. In turn, for PGE GiEK SA, Rybnik Power Plant Branch, it is building a start-up boiler house with two steam generators.
ul. Korczaka, Katowice
ul. Korczaka, Katowice
ul. Korczaka, Katowice
ul. Korczaka, Katowice
ul. Korczaka, Katowice
ul. Korczaka, Katowice
ul. Korczaka, Katowice