02 December 2022

We will build Lune de Malta in Poznań

Wybudujemy Lune de Malta w Poznaniu

The General Contractor, Unibep SA, will build a residential estate for Bouygues Immobilier Polska in Poznań – Lune de Malta. The value of the agreement is PLN 85.6 net. This will be the second residential investment conducted by this duo. As a result of earlier cooperation of the companies the residential estate Wileńska Express was built in Warsaw.

“It is a great honour to be once again included in the group General Contractors building Bouygues Immobilier, an established international developer that promotes high-quality environmentally friendly construction. At the same time, I am very happy for the fact that winning such big investments make Unibep able to build its position as the leading general contractor in residential, commercial, and industrial construction on the Poznań market,” said Leszek Gołąbiecki, president of Unibep SA. “I keep my fingers crossed for both teams working on the construction site of Lune de Malta and I am already convinced that it will be a reliable and noteworthy investment on the housing market,” he added.

The task consists in construction of a residential and commercial building complex. Two buildings six storeys high will comprise 226 residential premises, three commercial premises, and 334 parking spaces in an underground garage.

The Developer will install many ecological solutions, one of which is logoterma, a device which reduces the heat consumption and gives control over the use of heat. Even lifts come with the energy recovery system, supplying that energy to shared areas. The roof of the building will host some extensive greenery, not to mention the charging station outside. The garage hall will provide the residents with special boxes to leave their bicycles in. There will be a room for prams and bicycle racks in the premises. A monitoring system will be installed as well.

“Lune de Malta will be built by a company with an established position and experience in construction of residential estates. We have already cooperated with Unibep in Warsaw. The company was the general contractor of our investment, Wileńska Express, which was nominated for the Architectural Award of the President of the Capital City of Warsaw. This is definitely a good sign for the new investment,” said Adam Skóra, director of Bouygues Immobilizer Polish branch in Poznań.

The entry into force of the agreement and the start of construction works depend on the receipt of an order to commence works, which should happen by the end of February 2023. The planned completion date of the investment is the second quarter of 2025.

“Signing this agreement is another important step towards strengthening the presence of our company on markets outside Warsaw,” stressed Christopher Foder, regional director of Bouygues Immobilizer Polska. “It also proves the effective implementation of our business goals and investment assumptions, despite the currently more difficult market conditions,” he added.

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A housing estate near Malta with its own multifunctional sports field and relaxation zone

Next to the buildings of Lune de Malta in Nowe Miasto district of Poznań, there will be built a green relaxation area with nearly a hundred trees, a multifunctional football field, and a playground in Milczańska Street.

“Lune de Malta will definitely be a housing estate providing a good life. Families with children will find their dream apartments here because we have taken special care of the infrastructure for them. On the other hand, Lune de Malta is also an interesting offer for investors. One can reach the city centre by tram in just 10 minutes. The proximity of Maltańskie Lake and popular shopping centre Galeria Posnania is a great advantage,” said Cezary Grabowski, Sales and Marketing Director of Bouygues Immobilizer Polska

About the Investor

Bouygues Immobilizer is a leading international development company with almost 70 years of experience in construction. The Polish branch has been operating since 2001, enjoying the trust of customers in Warsaw, Wrocław, and Poznań. Bouygues Immobilier Polska has built so far 61 residential investments and completed over 8 600 dwellings and commercial premises. Its four investments: Accent Eco, Accent Vert, Camelia, and La Melodie were awarded with prestigious certificate HQE International promoting high quality and environmentally friendly construction, and the investment Miasteczko Orange received the BREEAM certificate. The investment Camelia, as the first in Poland, received the BiodiverCity®, which is an international certificate rewarding solutions fostering biodiversity in new buildings and their surroundings. The highest quality of customer service is our standard. We know that the choice and purchase of an apartment is a very important and responsible decision. That is why we always work with the needs of our clients and their satisfaction in mind.

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