32/2013 | Selection of an entity entitled to review financial statements for the 1st half of 2013 and audit the financial statement for 2013
2013.07.10 02:00
The UNIBEP S.A. Board announces that on 9 July 2013 the UNIBEP S.A. Supervisory Board has selected an entity entitled to review the UNIBEP S.A. financial statement for the period from 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013, and to audit the UNIBEP S.A. financial statement for 2013 and the UNIBEP Group’s consolidated financial statement for 2013. The selected entity is PKF Audyt Sp. z o.o., located in Warsaw. The Issuer informs that in the current year they also utilised services performed by the selected entity for the purpose of individual and consolidated financial statement audit for 2012.
32-2013 (PL) |