24/2016 | Granting surety for obligations of indirect subsidiary
2016.05.24 07:01
The Management Board of UNIBEP S.A. (the Issuer) informs that on 23 May 2016 between the Issuer, the indirect subsidiary Unigo sp. z. o.o. (Unigo) and Bank PEKAO S.A. (Bank) a conditional surety contract (Surety Contract was concluded), whereby the Issuer has irrevocably granted surety for obligations of Unigo resulting from the contract concluded by Unigo in February 2016, whereby Bank has granted Unigo a loan with the payment due date in June 2018 (Loan). Information about conclusion of the loan contract by Unigo was provided i.a. in the extended consolidated report for the first quarter of 2016 published on 12 May 2016.
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