Information on the initial allocation of Unibep SA bonds series I
In reference to the current report No. 80/2023 of 28 September 2023 informing about the extension of the Bond Issuance Programme and about the adoption of a resolution on the issuance of unsecured Bonds series I [Bonds] with a par value and issuance price of PLN 100 each and a total par value up to PLN 100,000,000, with a stipulation of a possible increase of the total par value of the offered bonds up to PLN 140,000,000 before registration in the National Depository of Securities (KDPW), the Management Board of Unibep SA [Issuer, Company] informs the KDPW about the adoption on 13 October 2023 of a resolution on the increase of the maximum number of bonds offered for purchase to the amount of 1,380,402 pieces, with a par value of PLN 100 each and total par value of PLN 138,040,200.