Conclusion of an agreement for implementation of the task titled: “Improvement of the investment attractiveness of the City of Suwałki through the construction and reconstruction of streets in the southern industrial zone of the city”
In reference to the current report No. 50/2023 of 1 June 2023, the Management Board of Unibep SA (Issuer, Company) informs that on 22 June 2023, it concluded two agreements (Agreements) for the implementation of the investment titled: “Improvement of the investment attractiveness of the City of Suwałki through the construction and reconstruction of streets in the southern industrial zone of the city” (Investment), i.e. for the implementation of Task 1, “Construction and reconstruction of the road system of the municipal road in Wojska Polskiego II Street and the provincial road No. 662 (formerly DK8) along with the necessary infrastructure.” (Agreement 1); and Task 2, “Expansion and reconstruction of the municipal road Wojska Polskiego II Street (10409B) along with the necessary infrastructure."