Information on the number of premises sold, recognised, and delivered by development companies from Unibep Group in the second quarter of 2022
Raport: 46/2022
2022.07.06 12:31
The Management Board of Unibep SA (Issuer) informs that as to the completion on 6 July 2022 of the preliminary aggregation of information concerning activities of companies from Unidevelopment Group conducting development activity within Unibep Group (Group) as part of investments in Warsaw, Poznań, Radom, and Gdańsk, on the following results in Q2 2022: 1) sale of premises (understood as concluded developer and preliminary agreements), 2) number of premises recognised as a result (understood as the number of delivered premises, whole price paid) and 3) number of reservation agreements; Below, related date provided by the Issuer.