Unibep Group

Investor relations

10/2013 | Announcement of the UNIBEP S.A. Annual Meeting of Shareholders on 6 June 2013

2013.05.09 02:00

The Board of UNIBEP S.A., located in Bielsk Podlaski, ul. 3 Maja 19, registered by the District Court in Białystok, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number 00000231271, acting according to article 399 §1 ksh, announces, according to article 402¹ §1 ksh, the UNIBEP S.A. Annual Meeting of Shareholders at 12:00 on 6 June 2013. The Annual Meeting will take place in Bielsk Podlaski (17-100 Bielsk Podlaski, ul. 3 Maja 19).