Unibep Group

Investor relations

4/2020 | Adoption by the Management Board of Unibep S.A. of a resolution on the acquisition of the Company's own shares and the announcement of an invitation to submit offers to sell the Company's shares

2020.02.04 08:29

With reference to the content of current report No. 3/2020 concerning the consent of Supervisory Board of Unibep SA to perform actions aimed to purchase own shares, the Management Board of Unibep SA (Company, Issuer) informs that, acting pursuant to resolution No. 32 of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company of 13 June 2017, concerning the authorisation of the Management Board of the Company to purchase own shares and the adoption of own share buy-back programme of UNIBEP SA, amended by the resolution No. 4 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company of 28 February 2019, as well as pursuant to the abovementioned approval of the Supervisory Board of the Company on 4 February 2020, adopted a resolution concerning the acquisition of own shares (Own Shares).