Unibep Group

Investor relations

63/2017 | The conclusion of a loan agreement by a subsidiary

2017.12.14 22:09

The Management Board of UNIBEP S.A. (the Company, the Issuer) hereby announces that on 14 December 2017 an agreement by the subsidiary Unidevelopment S.A. (Unidevelopment) with WIEPOFAMA DEVELOPMENT Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. (the Borrower) and WIEPOFAMA S.A. w likwidacji (WIEPOFAMA) as the co-borrower, and the entity establishing the material collateral (the Agreement) was concluded, under which Unidevelopment will grant a loan to the Borrower in the amount of PLN 20.0 million in order for the Borrower to finance the purchase of the perpetual usufruct of a 2.244 ha property, located in Poznań on ul. Dąbrowskiego (the Property), from WIEPOFAMA.

Access this URL (https://unibep.pl/attachments/article/2545/Rb_63_2017.pdf)63/2017