15 May 2018

Comment of the President of the Management Board of Unibep SA to the results of the first quarter of 2018

The first quarter 2018 The Unibep Capital Group ended the quarter with a significant increase in revenue compared to the same period last year - PLN 371.6 million (+40% YOY) and a high increase in the result - PLN 18.9 million (+255% YOY). Such a dynamic increase in net profit is caused by very good results of Unidevelopment SA - the development company of Unibep SA - writes Leszek Gołąbiecki, President of the Management Board of Unibep SA.

Only in the first three months of 2018 we signed contracts for approx. PLN 345 million (compared to PLN 331 million last year) and we consistently build a portfolio of orders for 2019 and subsequent years.

Currently, as a Group, we focus on efficiency in project management, including benefits resulting from the so-called economies of scale, and guarding the costs of doing business. Bearing in mind the dynamic situation with subcontractors, we increase employment and change the organizational structure to a more effective one, we have, amonh others, set up our own brigades that carry out construction works. We focus on high competences, which is why we employ proven specialists in key positions at Unibep SA, whom we set precise objectives.

Our main goal for the next quarters of 2018 is the timely implementation of all contracts, ensuring the highest quality, as well as ensuring the financial stability of the company. It is the responsible and effective running of business that allows one to plan with optimism the further development of the Unibep Capital Group.

Report for 1Q 2018