Unibep Group

Investor relations

29/2011 | Second transfer notice on merging UNIBEP S.A. with Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Drogowych i Mostowych w Bielsku Podlaskim sp. z o.o. (PRDiM)

2011.06.20 02:00

The Board of UNIBEP S.A., with its headquarter in Bielsk Podlaski, 3 Maja 19 street, registered in Local Court of Białystok, XII Economy Division KRS under 00000231271, basing on art. 504 § 1 i 2 of Commercial Companies Code, informs shareholders of the Company for the second time about plans to merge UNIBEP S.A. (Merging Company) with the company of Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Drogowych i Mostowych w Bielsku Podlaskim Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (PRDiM) (Merged Company). Merging should take place in accordance with art. 492 § 1 pt. 1 of Commercial Companies Code by transfer of property rights of the Merged Company onto UNIBEP S.A. on conditions defined in plan of merging published on the 10th of March 2011 in Court and Economic Monitor No. 48.

Access this URL (http://unibep.sensorama.pl/attachments/article/571/29-2011.pdf)29-2011 (PL)