Unibep Group

Investor relations

39/2011 | Correction report no. 39/2011 of 2 September 2011 on registration of merger between UNIBEP S.A. and Merging Company with subsidiary company PRDiM in Bielsk Podlaski Sp. z o.o.

2011.09.02 02:00

UNIBEP S.A. (Issuer), acting on basis of par 6 sect. 2 of Regulation of the Minister of Finance on current and interim information submitted by issuers of shares and conditions for considering as equivalent information required by legislation of a state not being a EU member state, corrects contents of report No. 39/2011 of 2 September 2011 by supplementing it with missing information

Access this URL (http://unibep.sensorama.pl/attachments/article/581/39-2011.pdf)39-2011 (PL)