Unibep Group

Investor relations

13/2012 | Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of UNIBEP S.A. convened for May 22, 2012

2012.04.18 02:00

The Board of Directors of UNIBEP S.A. with its headquarter in Bielsk Podlaski, 3 Maja 19 street, registered in Local Court of Białystok, XII Economy Division KRS under 00000231271, executing according to art. 398, 399 §1 and art. 402 Commercial Companies Code, summits an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders for May 22, 2012, 10.00 a.m., which will be held in UNIBEP S.A. headquarter in Bielsk Podlaski, 3 Maja 19 street.

Access this URL (http://unibep.sensorama.pl/attachments/article/601/13-2012.pdf)13-2012 (PL)