Unibep Group

Investor relations

51/2014 | Contract for joint real-estate project in Warsaw: construction of multi-family buildings with service outlets

2014.07.02 02:00

The Management Board of UNIBEP S.A. (Issuer) informs that on 1 July 2014 the company Unidevelopment S.A. in the Issuer’s capital group signed a Contract with Polpain-Putka Sp. z o.o. based in Warsaw („Polpain-Putka”) for a three-stage development project of a residential estate with multi-family buildings to be situated on land lots near Przeworska St in the Praga Południe district in Warsaw.

Access this URL (http://unibep.sensorama.pl/attachments/article/339/51-2014.pdf)51-2014 (PL)