Unibep Group

Investor relations

29/2019 | Receipt of a notification concerning the number of shares held by the Company in view of the acquisition of own shares by the Company

2019.05.30 13:59

The Management Board of UNIBEP S.A. (Company) informs that today it received a notification from the Company (Notification) submitted in the exercise of the duties specified in art. 69 para. 1 (1) of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offerings and conditions for the introduction of financial instruments to organised trading, and on public companies (i.e. J. of L. of 2019, item 623), in connection with the acquisition of 1,000,000 of own shares by the Company and exceeding 5% of the total number of votes in the Company.

Access this URL (https://unibep.pl/attachments/article/3190/Rb_29_2019.pdf)29/2019
Access this URL (https://unibep.pl/attachments/article/3190/UNIBEP%20S.A.%20zawiadomienie%20o%20zmianie%20stanu%20posiadania%20akcji%20w%C5%82asnych..pdf)Attachment