Unibep Group

Investor relations

33/2018 | The content of the resolutions adopted by the UNIBEP SA AGM on June 13, 2018

2018.06.13 19:51

Management Board of Unibep S.A. (Issuer, Company) encloses the contents of the resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of UNIBEP S.A on June 13, 2018 (OGM).

Access this URL (https://unibep.pl/attachments/article/2758/Rb_33_2018.pdf)33/2018
Access this URL (https://unibep.pl/attachments/article/2758/Tre%C5%9B%C4%87%20Uchwa%C5%82%20ZWZ%20UNIIBEP%20S.A._Za%C5%82%C4%85cznik%20do_rb_33_2018.pdf)Attachment