Unibep Group

Investor relations

55/2017 | Supplementing information concerning selection of a subject entitled to carry out an audit and review of the financial statements

2017.10.27 18:37

With regard to the current report No. 25/17 dated 16 May 2017 concerning the selection of Deloitte Polska Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp. k (Deloitte)  as a subject entitled to carry out a review and audit of the financial statement for 2017, the Management Board of Unibep S.A. (Issuer, Company) hereby informs that acting in accordance with recommendations concerning interpretation of provisions of the currently binding Act on auditors (...) (Act) in the scope of a two-year period of binding the first contract with an auditor, on 27 October 2017 the Supervisory Board of the Issuer adopted a resolution concerning extending also in 2018  the selection of Deloitte as an auditor for the Company and its Capital Group procedure that had been made before the Act entered into force.

Access this URL (https://unibep.pl/attachments/article/2464/Rb_55_2017.pdf)55/2017