Unibep Group

Investor relations

31/2017 | The content of the resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting of UNIBEP S.A. on 13 June 2017

2017.06.13 20:27

Unibep S.A. board of directors (the Issuer) encloses the content of resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting of UNIBEP S.A. on 13 June 2017 (AGM). Company's AGM did not withdraw from consideration of any of the agenda items and there were no objections to any of the resolutions adopted.

Access this URL (https://unibep.pl/attachments/article/2355/Rb_31_2017.pdf)Attachment 1
Access this URL (https://unibep.pl/attachments/article/2355/_Unibep%20-%20za%C5%82%C4%85cznik%20do%20rb%2031_2017%20-%20uchwa%C5%82y%20podj%C4%99te%20przez%20ZWZ%20w%20dniu%2013_06_2017.pdf)Attachment 2